Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are the author’s own and are derived from the author’s own experiences and observations and are not disrespectful to any individual or profession. “Scope kya hai?!” ... A question that serves as a prequel to all career decisions, a question so powerful that it has become the prime determinant of every life decision the modern generation makes, a question your relatives love to ask when you enter a new field...heck...it’s a question even you love asking before stepping into a new field! Talking about random statistics, I will assume that of the millions of students who enter a field of study each year, 80-90% will choose that field based on the scope and not on their inherent interest in it. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. After all, it is perfectly logical to choose a field based on the opportunities for growth that it offers. But there lies a critical flaw with this FIELD CENTRIC mindset! ...