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SCOPE KYA HAI?! 5 reasons why the answer lies with YOU and not your FIELD!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are the author’s own and are derived from the author’s own experiences and observations and are not disrespectful to any individual or profession.

“Scope kya hai?!”... A question that serves as a prequel to all career decisions, a question so powerful that it has become the prime determinant of every life decision the modern generation makes, a question your relatives love to ask when you enter a new’s a question even you love asking before stepping into a new field!

Talking about random statistics, I will assume that of the millions of students who enter a field of study each year, 80-90% will choose that field based on the scope and not on their inherent interest in it. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. After all, it is perfectly logical to choose a field based on the opportunities for growth that it offers.

But there lies a critical flaw with this FIELD CENTRIC mindset!

The flaw...lies not in the ideology but in the application. By following the FIELD CENTRIC mindset, you begin to believe that it is your field alone that will serve as the engine of your growth story and eventually the outcome of your life! Doing so, eliminates the single most important factor from the process of steering your life...YOU!

It is a difficult concept to grasp in the beginning. After all, it involves challenging a mindset that has been followed for generations. However, I shall try to simplify it by giving you not one, not two but 5 reasons explaining why the scope of your abilities, talents and interests plays a far more central role in determining your success and happiness than the scope of your field which only plays the role of an adjunct.


Because it matters where you INVEST!

  •        Investments (money, education or time) are made based solely on the existing or future scope of the field  (Professional courses, government exams, business)
  •         The field determines the rate of your growth thus, making your participation in the growth process PASSIVE! (job openings, entrance exams, demand and supply)

  •    Investments (money, education or time) are primarily directed towards upgrading and expanding the scope of your abilities, hobbies and interests (qualities such as writing, acting, singing, good communication skills etc) followed by the existing or future scope of your field, secondarily. 
  •     Makes you an ACTIVE participant in the growth process by utilising the scope of your abilities to create multiple sources for career growth.    
  •      Reduces the dependency of your growth story on the field alone.


Because the frequency of OPPORTUNITIES determines the pace of growth!

  •          Relies on the field for “PRESENTED OPPORTUNITIES” to take action (Job promotions, IPO’s, Vacancies).
  •          Growth is dependent on the frequency with which these OPPORTUNITIES present themselves and can vary from plenty in a month to a few in a year.

  •             Believes in taking action by “CREATING OPPORTUNITIES” everyday irrespective of the field (blogging, running a you tube channel, advertising your abilities etc).
  •               Looks at sources outside the field to CREATE such OPPORTUNITIES and is not restricted by the field alone.


Because RESULTS vary depending on where responsibilities lie!

  •          Result generation is totally the responsibility of the field.
  •          Results are highly variable and extreme ranging from the extremely positive (a dentist making lakhs of rupees in a month due to good patient flow) to extremely negative (the same dentist managing to barely pay the rent during the “off-season”).

  •           YOU are solely responsible for the generation of results.
  •           The goal is to rid the variation and extremes and achieve a state of balance by maintaining a neutral output (creating automation of cash flow to generate a predetermined amount every month irrespective of the “season”)


Because your growth curve is governed by the “type” of INTEREST!

  •                   Interest is not inherent and has to be GENERATED in order to jump start the growth process.
  •                   Interest and effort last as long as the growth remains LUCRATIVE. Thus, the consistency waxes and wanes based on the state of the field.
  •                   In the long run, a lack of consistency, results in the lack of a steady growth curve.

  •          INHERENT interest drives the effort as well as the growth curve.
  •          Both the interest as well as the effort remains consistent irrespective of the state of the field.
  •          In the long run, consistency results in a steady and rapid growth curve.


Because everyone craves INDEPENDENCE!

  •                Everything that affects the field, affects you.
  •          Effects can range from the positive (exponential career growth) to the negative (being laid off and out of a job).
  •          Restricts the scope of your growth to that of the field.

  •                 Everything that affects your field, affects you but the effects are limited.
  •          The scope of your growth is not restricted to your field alone as it is also determined by your abilities, talents and interests.
  •             You have the FREEDOM of choosing the options and starting a new growth phase based on the scope of your abilities.

Thus, the SCOPE begins to vary when you shift from a FIELD CENTRIC to a YOU CENTRIC mindset. 

While there is no universal formula to predict how YOU or your FIELD will affect the outcome of your life, it always makes sense to be in charge of your own growth story rather than depending on an external factor like your field to dictate what direction your life should take.

SCOPE KYA HAI?!...the sky is the limit when YOU are in charge!

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