COMPARATIVE DENTAL PRACTICE – Why you should stop judging your practice based on that of your peers!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are the authors own and are derived from the author’s experiences and observations. This blog is the intellectual property of the blog owner and unauthorised reproduction of the blog material is strictly prohibited. So you’ve finally done it! After 5 or 8 (in case of post graduation) years of training, a couple of years of locum and a few hands-on courses later, you finally own and run a clinic. A budding dentist with his/hers own dental practice...the journey finally begins! As the first month nears an end; you barely manage to recover the rent but its all good so far. At least you made some money! After all, everyone says the first couple of years are a slog before you really get going and start making decent profits. So, even though you are not meeting targets right away, your mind accepts the fact that it is going to take some time. You go out with your dentist friends one weekend, catch up with your buddies, and discuss...