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THE POWER OF COMPANY – Why your social interactions determine the success of your practice!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are the authors own and are derived from the author’s experiences and observations. This blog is the intellectual property of the blog owner and unauthorised reproduction of the blog material is strictly prohibited.

 “Yaar, rent bahot  hai! Isse achha main grocery shop khol deta!”

“Galat field choose kar liya...Should’ve opted for engineering! My friend in US/AUS/UK is now earning (insert amount) dollars a year!”

“Courses waste of money hai re! Rent nikal jaata hai utna kaam karneka...apni aukat utni hi hai!”

“Daal aate ka bhaav samjhega tujhe daal ke dekh!”

“Saturation hai kar dena chahiye ye course!”

The harsh reality of private dental practice in India today is that 9 out of 10 conversations that any budding dentist has with his/hers peers/friends/colleagues are rooted deeply in negativity towards the profession and the state of the field in general. While such negativity can be understood if not justified, there is also truth in the fact that most failures and an inability to thrive can be attributed more to factors such as a flawed approach, flawed  planning, flawed  mindset and flawed outlook.

Ask yourself this honest question; When was the last time you walked away from a conversation with a group of fellow budding dentists feeling inspired, motivated and full of energy? If the answer is an astounding...all the time! stop reading the blog this very moment because you are very well on the right path. However, if the answer is rarely, occasionally or worse...never! kindly focus on this quote by productivity expert and mentor Mr. Tim Ferriss;

“You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

Now look closely at the five fellow budding dentists that you interact with on a regular if not on a daily basis. Take a look at your mindset and approach towards your career, practice and life, compare it to how it was just a few years ago, observe the changes that have come about and whether they were good or bad. The whole point of this exercise is to evaluate how strong has the influence of the people around you been on your mindset and outlook towards your practice and if the influence has been strong in a negative way, what can you do to change it?

To be clear and specific, this does not in any way indicate that you stop interacting with your friends and colleagues and become a recluse so that you can drastically improve your career path...that would be insane! What it does indicate is that if you arrive at the conclusion that the social interactions that you are having on a regular basis are indeed proving to be detrimental to your growth and progress, it may be time to neutralise the effect of these interactions and may be spend your time a bit more wisely!

How do you do that? Well, for starters...


There is no teacher greater than experience and for a budding dentist; the most beneficial way to gain an insight into the scope and opportunities that dentistry has to offer is to find a suitable mentor! However, a mentor in the 21st century need not necessarily be a living soul in your vicinity! Technology today has made it possible for a person to connect with any living soul anywhere on the planet by just a click of a whether it is a cosmetic dentist all the way in Noida whose work you admire or a speaker half way across the globe whose talks on managing a practice made sense to you or even something as simple as a website that offers an array of advice, tips, suggestions and cases that help you update and upgrade your knowledge, a mentor can be anyone in today’s world, it’s just a matter of reaching out which brings us to the next point...


Everyone is familiar with the phrase, “Birds of a feather flock together”. Similarly, when it comes to dental practice, conferences, courses, lectures are the kind of places where you will get a chance to meet other likeminded people who are looking to elevate their knowledge and practice to another level. It is at such events that you will find the necessary inspiration, motivation and guidance from even the shortest of conversations with someone more experienced, more motivated and more focussed than you are! Networking is not only a great way to socialise but also helps build an accelerated growth and learning curve, something that you deprive yourself of on getting influenced by the negativity around, which brings us to the final point...


In the end, no matter how careful you try to be in your interactions with the world, the reality is that you cannot force anyone to change their way of thinking, hence it is impossible to always surround yourself with motivated, inspired and productive folks. In such a case, it becomes imperative that you first become clear about your goals and agendas as far as your practice is concerned, have belief in the path you’ve chosen, work on your goals every day, keep learning and develop a mindset that is strong, positive and inspired enough to fend off any seeds of negativity that try to plant themselves whenever you are in the company of the pessimistic, unambitious or disorganised!

To conclude, while there is no doubt that the company you choose to keep does eventually end up influencing your decisions, mindset and outlook, for a budding dentist looking to chart his/hers own growth story, the right mindset, approach, planning and execution are equally important and can get affected by your interactions quite easily.

The key to not letting that happen and not losing track of your goals and dreams is to always be on the lookout for experiences and interactions that will eleveate rather than subdue your state of mind. As Tim Ferriss has rightfully stated, you are indeed the average of the five people you associate with the most and that applies to budding dentists as well!

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