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AVOIDING BURNOUT AND GAINING THE LIFE PERSPECTIVE – Need of the hour for a practicing Dentist!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are the authors own and are derived from the author’s experiences and observations. This blog is the intellectual property of the blog owner and unauthorised reproduction of the blog material is strictly prohibited.

 “When 99 percent of your life is your work, either you are really bad at what you do or you are completely off balance with the rest of your life; neither is something to be proud of.”
-          Jerome Jarre

As harsh as the quote may sound, if you look closely, we are all guilty of this at some point in our lives. The unfortunate truth here is that most of us will continue to live so our entire lives while only dreaming of the ever so elusive balance that one aims to strike when it comes to work and life.

What am I talking about?

Here are some quick questions that will give you an insight;

Do you take a weekly break from your practice?

If so, how do you spend most of the break day?

How do you spend your time after your practice hours?

Do you dedicate the non-practice hours to being totally cut off from your work?

How are your relationships outside the dentist friends/colleagues community?

Which non-dentistry talents do you possess and have you kept them alive till now?

As you may have already noticed, these questions have much to do with your life apart from work than work itself and rightfully so. The problem with running a successful dental practice today is that no amount of financial gain truly satiates the innate need for freedom and mobility that human nature craves. While this does not mean that you sell off your set up, leave your family, responsibilities of the adult life, pack your bags and head for the Himalayas in search of the higher truth, it does emphasise on one key aspect of life that we all tend to forget so easily being caught in the never ending cycle of paying our rents and earning a living, BALANCE.

How many times have you run into a colleague after a long time only to catch up and realise that even though this person is successful enough to be satisfied with his/hers professional life, the monotony and the boredom of it all is evident on their face and in their talks?

When was the last time you had a truly meaningful and enlightening conversation with a fellow dentist that left you feeling motivated and positive?

There is no doubt that running a dental practice and monotony do go hand in hand and there is no way around it. The problem however lies in the fact that the practicing dentist tends to carry forward this monotony to the other aspects of his/her life as well. The end result? That feeling of burnout or exhaustion with ones everyday activities. Not only does this start affecting your health mentally and physically, its effect is also seen on those around you. A heavy cost to pay when you take your life and loved ones into perspective.

The solution to all this is relatively simple though, all you need are some time hacks and some mind hacks;

#1 Practice mindfulness

Start your day right, take out 5 minutes, focus on your breath, have a pen and a paper by your side. Write down what non-work related tasks you would like to accomplish today. Make the list and make sure you accomplish at least one task out of that list in your time after work.

#2 Exercise

Keep aside 30 minutes in the day. Join a gym, go for a walk, make your own gym at home or just take a swim. A healthy body will lead to a healthy mind and a healthy outlook towards life in general.

#3 Keep that hobby alive

Singing, playing the guitar, writing, knitting, baking etc. Whatever your hobby is or rather was, dig it out of its grave, take a 30 minute timeout and keep it alive. Helps break the monotony plus you end up having fun and stay energised.

#4 Travel

Even though it sounds expensive, there is a lot to gain from a short trip to a new destination, meeting new people and experiencing new things. Not only will it give you perspective, it helps re-arrange your goals, sets you on track and helps you gain immense insights about your life and you as a person. Solo or with a group of friends/family, travelling is essential to breaking the monotony of everyday life.

#5 Family and loved ones

Last but not the least, a happy you is key to a happy home. Make sure you are having at least one meal with your loved ones sitting together with all other sources of distraction such as the television switched off. Talking about their day and yours, discussing old memories, making new ones. Keep in mind that life is limited and so is the time with your loved ones. Don’t let work eat into it. Make the most of what you have today even if it means sitting down for a 20 minute dinner with them instead of a 5 minute dinner alone late night in front of a screen.

So the next time you start feeling bored, exhausted and done with it all, just remember, all you need to strike that BALANCE between WORK and LIFE is revisiting the points mentioned above. A simple solution to the ever growing complex problem for modern day 24 hour Dentists!

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