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The 5-minute rant budding, millennial dentists need to read before blaming their career choice!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are the authors own and are derived from the author’s experiences and observations. This blog is the intellectual property of the blog owner and unauthorised reproduction of the blog material is strictly prohibited.

Straight away, this blog is going to be a lot different than all the previous ones in terms of how I try to convey the message across, specifically the tone in which the message is going to be conveyed if you’re easily offended or strive for political correctness or are firmly rigid in your perception of things as being right or wrong just because they seem right or wrong to you...this would be a good time to stop reading this blog and go back to whatever it is that you were doing.
Still here?

Well, then here’s why the tone of this blog is going to be’s why this blog is going to be less of a “3 things to do if you want to succeed” or “they way you can utilise a resource to up your practice” or the “hacks you need to adapt when it comes to mindset” and more of a RANT aimed at “millennial” (Born after 1984 and currently a part of the working population) budding dentists!

A rant? Why?!

Well here’s why!

It’s because I’m getting sick of the negativity, the complaining, the whining and the lack of motivation that dentistry is suffering from since the past few years. It’s because I’m sick of meeting every other dentist (budding and established alike) who goes on and on about how difficult things are and how any other profession is much better to pursue a career in and I’m sick of the utter lack of motivating, optimistic and forward thinking individuals especially when it comes to the so-called “millennial” lot of dentists!

Guys, I get it!...I’m a millennial too!...I know how frustrating it can get!...there is a lack of jobs, a market saturation...there is more supply than is genuinely scary for a budding dentist to step out of internship/post graduation today and get hit in the face by the reality of “setting up” a practice and earning a livelihood from it. It justifies why most of the “budding” dentists have a pessimistic opinion about the field whenever a conversation about a career as a dentist takes place.

Here’s what is not justified...The pessimistic opinion transforming into a pessimistic mindset! Because THAT is what will surely set you up for FAILURE!...because it’s not how bad your life is, how bad your career decision sucks, how bad your practice is doing or all of the other things that stand a chance of being overturned for good...but a pessimistic mindset that will keep you complaining, blind you to opportunities and shut your mind to thoughtful opinions.

So let’s get things straight on what this entire rant is all about!

In the world today, there is a constant talk of how we “the millennials” have become a generation that feels “entitled” to everything...from jobs to success to being rich and accomplishing our dreams...entitled to all this...not after a struggle of years but in an instant!

Narrow this narrative down to millennial budding dentists and we have no different a picture!...look at the expectations we have from a newly set up practice...breaking even as soon as possible, making huge profits as soon as possible, retaining patients as soon as possible, offering specialist treatments and procedures as soon as possible and quitting the field if all of this doesn’t work out as soon as possible!

This “as soon as possible” mentality is a derivative of the instant gratification that we have gotten used to so much in our lives; from movies available a click away, to shopping a click away to even a date a click away...the moment we “need” something, the fastest way to get it is through a CLICK! Sadly, the “real” world...the world of business, success, practice and skills does not work on the same principle! So if you are a budding dentist who just can’t stop complaining about how bad the field is, how few the opportunities are or how better off you would have been doing something are a few things you should look into first;

#1 Are you clear about what you want from Dentistry?

“A s**t load of money!” is a very vague answer to give if that comes to your mind first.

Ask yourself what have you done to explore the options available after you graduated? Did you gain experience? Did you go looking? Did you try and fail and tried some more and failed again and did that a few times in loop till you were crystal clear about how you wanted your career to shape up? Did you bother figuring out your strengths and weaknesses? Did you work on them?

You can’t just step out and jump in the pool of private practice on the back of a couple of months of “casual” locum where all you learnt was which brand of dental chair is the most economical or how clinical materials are managed on a month to month basis...UNDERSTAND that if dentistry today is a business, the minute you step into the “real world” with your shiny new clinic and etched glass front’re competing!!’re competing with the best!...there will always be someone better than you, worse than you, expensive than you, offering cheaper treatments than you better be clear about the kind of practice you want!...where are you going to place yourself in the different levels of dentistry out there today?...where do you see yourself in the next 5 years as a dentist?’re not going to get them all from the beginning itself!...which brings us to the next question

#2 Are you patient?

Like all great businesses, there are no overnight successes in dentistry either...just because your clinic doesn’t break even in the first few months doesn’t mean you’re a failure!...just because you had to pay the rent and run your clinic out of your own pocket for the first year does not mean you should quit dentistry as a whole!...just because you don’t see a future for yourself in the current situation does not mean you get all depressed and don’t give a damn about your loved ones!!

Be patient!...mark those words...BE PATIENT!! That means have the courage, the optimism, the vision, the interactions that will help you see through whatever the phase it is that you feel stuck in!

BE PATIENT but don’t misinterpret PATIENCE for LAZINESS...keep moving, keep looking, keep learning and keep working!...feel like you’re not making enough money? Go back to the drawing board and figure out what areas you need to improve on!...figure out a way to earn some side income in your free time during the 10-2 and 5-9! Stop forwarding those stupid messages on whatsapp groups when you have nothing to do!! Stop wasting your time!!...utilise that time to figure out a solution to your problems! You have the internet at your finger tips...that alone is the single greatest RESOURCE that will help you see a way!

It’s going to take TIME to achieve what you have imagined for yourself both financially and professionally...accept this fact...keep working...don’t give up...improvise!...don’t go through life on autopilot!...TAKE CONTROL!

#3 Are you spending time with pessimists or optimists?

Stop hanging out with a group that is constantly whining about their present state...avoid people with a negative or even outlook towards the future! By saying avoid people, I don’t mean that you should become a loner but isolate yourself mentally from the people who are in a constant state of regret, whining and complaining about how bad life has given it to them and how others are having it easy!! out the intellectuals, the MENTORS who will motivate you, fill you with positive energy, train your mind to focus on the results and how to get there...have meaningful conversations with such people.

Isolate yourself from the pessimistic thoughts of your own mind! Things are bad and then things are happens in is up to us to keep moving...have an approach...strive for a goal...follow it’s all in the mind...cut off the pessimism and train your mind to be optimistic and see the results!

Your happiness, career fulfilment, success and peace all lie in the MINDSET!...building a career is a journey...building a business is a was never easy and it never will before you step into the field with all your expectations and dreams and goals...realise that it is a JOURNEY!! There will be mostly downs and a few will have to be on your actively constantly analysing the things that are working or not working for you!

As a budding dentist, I personally feel it has become too easy today to get frustrated, depressed and angry and develop a state of mind that is just too negative right from the start of our careers as doesn’t have to be!

Learning the craft and skills aside...budding dentists...“millennial” dentists need to undergo “mindset” training at the hands of the right mentors before stepping out in the “real” world because it is not lack of the talent, knowledge or skill that has made “millennial” budding dentists such an unsatisfied bunch of is the LACK OF A PROPER MINDSET!

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